Exploring the Serenade of Empathy through Sonic interventions

#empathonic volume 1 👆🏻🫰🏽

Featuring :
👉🏼 @_ravenative_ 🌶️
👉🏼 @noi_huna + @serkanemreciftci 🌶️🌶️

3W1H 👇🏽

👉🏼 23.06.2023 ✅
👉🏼 at @movingpoets NOVILLA : Hasselwelderstraße 22a ✅
👉🏼 Door open at 18:00 ✅
👉🏼 7€ (at the door only)

The kick off edition of #empathonic will be open by #assoyradio and #soydivision vanguard 👉🏼 @_ravenative_ who will present a special live radio piece as an ode to the new series and it‘s vision of existence 🤘🏻 We are also very pleased to have the etheral avant-garde @noi_huna (Aslı Gabuk), which gonna be accompanied by magical trumpet 🎺 melodies by @serkanemreciftci 🫰🏽

🏝️ full line up of the series in upcoming days via https://www.soydivision.berlin/empathonic 🫦

#empathonic is a new series initiated by @soydivision.berlin ‚s #assoyradio in collaboration with @movingpoets 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾

Supported by @musicboardberlin 🙌

Aslı Gabuk, the creative force behind NOi, is an accomplished composer and singer hailing from the vibrant cultural hub of Istanbul, Turkey. Gabuk’s hypnotic soundscapes, often characterized by intricate electronic textures and ethereal melodies, create a unique sonic experience that draws listeners into a world of introspection and exploration. NOi’s music is best described as a fusion of avant-garde, experimental electronic music, and dreamy vocals.
The first Ep “aka Huna” was released by Noiseist record label in 2019. The first single “Gel” was released on digital platforms in 2020.

Serkan Emre Ciftci is an artist who is known for the unique east and west synthesized timbers that he created in many genres. He has contributed to internationally acclaimed orchestras and albums in the past years. Currently he embellishes NOi's performances with his magical trumpet melodies.

Hailing from Bandung and stranded in Berlin for more than a decade, ravenative is the sonic moniker of Ariel William Orah. Through this moniker, he explores themes of hybrid identity turbulence influenced by his upbringing, academic background in economics and sustainability, and passion for theater as a social practice.

The debut album, "Scarcity" (2017), is infused with the melancholy noise shoegaze of 90s Bandung and the 70s electronic sounds of the Berliner Schule. This album later mutated into the theater piece "Scar-City" (2023), which premiered at Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Berlin.

As avenative, he has numerous releases with the Berlin-based sonic syndicate L-KW and leads the sōydivision ensemble. Currently, he is working on a new musical theater project and a conceptual album where he explores digital migrant workers in Germany - Along with scrutinizes Pasundan’s tonality, generative polyrhythm, and Sundanese kawih, translating them into various electro-acoustic compositions, sound installations and self-made instruments, which he will later incorporate into the piece.
